Our grand Valentine’s Day bouquet is a breathtaking arrangement featuring an impressive 100 long-stemmed roses. This luxurious bouquet is a statement of profound love and admiration. The velvety red roses are carefully arranged to create a visually striking and opulent display. Tied together with an elegant ribbon, this abundant bouquet is a magnificent expression of romance, making it the perfect gesture to convey your deep affection on this special day.
Forever Love
Our grand Valentine’s Day bouquet is a breathtaking arrangement featuring an impressive 100 long-stemmed roses. This luxurious bouquet is a statement of profound love and admiration. The velvety red roses are carefully arranged to create a visually striking and opulent display. Tied together with an elegant ribbon, this abundant bouquet is a magnificent expression of romance, making it the perfect gesture to convey your deep affection on this special day.
AED 900
- If a depicted flower is unavailable for any reason, we will replace it with a flower of equal or greater monetary value, maintaining a similar style and color. Please be aware that, as with all natural and seasonal products, there may be slight variations in color.
Size | Premium, Extraordinary, Ridiculously awesome |
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